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College Football Meets Coronavirus

By: Amanda Daoud With the Coronavirus silencing sporting events over the past few months, many events have transpired. On January 13th,...

The 2020 Olympics…No Matter What

By: Alec Fante The monumental and disruptive force of the COVID-19 virus pandemic tore through the world this year disrupting everything...

Coronavirus v. College Football

By: Grant Farmer Given the widely disseminated spread of the Coronavirus and the uncertainty of its containment, one may question whether...

The Countdown to Sports In Empty Stadiums

By: Ryan Murphy Day 40. Hard to believe it’s only been 40 days since President Trump declared a national emergency on March 13th.[1] It...

Is the NFL Keeping Us Afloat During Coronavirus?

By: Ryan Murphy The coronavirus has taken the entire world by storm over the last few months. Virtually every sports league in the world...

The Current Atmosphere of COVID-19

By Lili Flores Earlier this week, it was unknown that in a few short days, every major sports game or event would be canceled or...

USWNT: Winning More Than Games

By: Daphne Ghirardi As previous four-time World Champions and four-time Olympic Gold Medalists, the United States Women’s National Team...

Transfer Reform in College Football

By: Grant Farmer Recently, the NCAA’s Transfer Waiver Working Group submitted a proposal to the NCAA’s Division I Council that would...

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